Search Engine

A search engine that utilizes three distinct models: the BI model, the tf-idf vector model and the language model. Text classification was implemented using the KNN classifier and Rocchio classifier. All models were evaluated using criteria like as precision, recall, MAP, and execution time per query along with elastic search model.

Web Technologies used: python


Network Monitoring tool

A software to track the list of all software installed on the PC’s & Workstations connected to a network. Given permission to Admin to monitor/uninstall the software of a user’s system in the network

Web Technologies used: Electron, NodeJs, React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


URL Shortener

A URL shortening Service hosted on AWS with Database integration, load balancer. Designed highly customizable shortened URL service from scratch with premium and non-premium support. Integrated data analytics features for URLs and users. Key Points taken in consideration:- High availability, High Scalability and Fault Tolerance

Web Technologies used: NodeJs, AWS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Redis


Video Meet

Video calling app with multiple users via peer-peer data sharing Privacy aspect taken into consideration so, no need to pass the data stream through the central server

Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJs,


Sorting Algorithm Visulaiser

A program to visualize various sorting algorithms Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort etc in real-time along-with advanced features.

Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


SPN Encryption Webapp

An implementation of a SPN encryption scheme, along with key-expansion, both permutation and substitution layer configuration dependent on Key expansion.

Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Arcade Game Arena

Collection of seven interactive terminal based games like Sudoku written in C++ with team of 3 people for coursework assignment

Web Technologies used: C++


AES Implementation

Implementation of AES-64 in c++.

Web Technologies used: C++


Ticket Book Webapp

Interactive movie ticket booking frontend.

Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Dice Game

Web Based 2 player Dice game.

Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
